Title: Creating Wealth by Harnessing Opportunities in Africa
Speakers: Lauri Elliott and Hartmut Sieper
Panelists: Rick Larie, Victor Spaetgens
Host: Dr. Joseph Peck
Date: Thursday, June 7, 2012
Duration: 95 minutes
CLICK HERE to watch the video replay.
Ways You Can Get Involved
- Praying and interceding
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- Sponsor us to speak to groups of people (online or in person)
- Help build seed capital for early-stage ventures
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- Spread the Word
(Buy 5 Creating Wealth Books) – $100- Seed Capital Campaign
(Give Funds for New Venture Projects) – $365- Other Gift Amounts or Purposes
For more information, please contact:
- Lauri Elliott – info@conceptualee.com
- Hartmut Sieper – h.sieper@trans-africa-invest.com
Learning objectives
- Africa’s place in the new global economy
- The Church’s significant role in Africa’s success
- Africa’s and the Church’s success thus far
- Frameworks in place to accelerate the pace
- Practical strategies to employ
- How you can be a part of God’s design (connecting spirit, heart, head, and hands)
As the global economic crisis heats up again this year, it is imperative that we look at new channels God has given us to grow economically. While many Christians consider Africa to be a place of poverty because it has the highest level of poverty in the world, many don’t know that Africa is expected to be the fastest growing region through 2015 (beating Asia). Herein lies an opportunity God has given us to thrive instead of survive in the upcoming economic tsunami.
Africa is among the richest regions in natural resources – minerals, metals, oil, gas – and a large, fast growing consumer market. While the global economy will also affect Africa, it will still maintain strong. One reason is domestic demand. There is high demand in an environment of constrained supply for most basic services like education, health, housing, transport, and energy.
The revelation to understand is that God has positioned the Church in Sub-Saharan Africa to untap the wealth already there to increase personal and kingdom wealth while helping African communities become self-sustaining.
This webinar is ideal for churches supporting missions in Africa, businessmen, parachurch ministries, entrepreneurs, or anyone else who God has been speaking to about Africa!
Blessings to learn to create wealth by harnessing opportunities in Africa!