Title: Reforming Corporate Culture for Prosperity: What Role are we Called to play?
Presenters: Ted Garnett, Bryan Short
Facilitator: Dr. Joseph Peck
Panelists: Steve Connell and Tara Connell, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Michael Oswald, Jeff Rogers, Gary Bundy
Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Time: 8 pm EST (7 pm CST, 6 pm MST, 5 pm PST)
Duration: 84 minutes

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PS Culture MattersMost business people have subscribed to the adage that culture matters. Zappos,Southwest Airlines, Facebook, and Google are all well-publicized examples of organizations that are built on unique cultural platforms and practices. One of the key results these companies achieve is high performance from their executives, managers, and every other level of employees.

Yet, Many CEOs see HR approaches as over budget, after deadline, and lacking in clear ROI. How can HR provide a business-oriented process to develop a high performance culture, and clearly demonstrate the relationship between culture and business impact? Join this webcast and learn what components are most important, and how to develop a business impact approach to building a more effective culture.

Learning objectives

  • Discover how a focus on “people metrics” has reinvigorated the performance of employees
  • Learn what behaviors and practices set high performing cultures apart from low performing ones
  • Find out the best ways to assess your own organization’s culture, and identify and challenge those pain points
  • Determine how people metrics can be a leading indicator to business impact

Alignment between people metrics and financial metrics can give your organization critical line of sight

PS Culture Matters

Ted Garnett is the president of PS Culture Matters, a division of People Statements LLC and he is also the founder of Generally Accepted People Metrics (GAPM™) and author of AccountaCution: Accountability Into Execution. Ted’s 20+ years of experience in Human Resources includes roles in executive HR positions as well as serving as the Manager of the 5th largest consulting Firm in the country, McGladrey & Pullen. His background includes over a decade of business consulting with clients ranging in size from various small companies to Fortune 500 companies (John Deere, General Electric, Firestone, NCS Pearson, US Bank, etc.) with a focus on accelerating profitable business results. He is a consistently requested speaker including several appearances at the National and State Conference level earning “highest rated speaker” honors several times. Ted’s approach favors direct and candid assessment about results orientation . . . and implementation that will drive Execution and Return on Investment.

Bryan Short – Vice President of PS Culture Matters, a division of People Statements LLC and has 20+ years of experience building organizations, mergers and acquisitions, developing management teams and overseeing operations in several industries with a primary focus on both Technology and Security. Bryan graduated from Cornell University for Hospitality Management and Business Administration which led to his fascination with business technology and operational development. Bryan has also served in executive positions for technology companies such as MI6 Group, DefenderTech International Solutions LLC, Omega Technologies, Network Appliance, Symantec, Virtual Technologies, and Vigilant Technologies. In addition to PS Culture Matters, Bryan serves on several Boards and business councils for both non-profit and for-profit organizations.

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