Title: Ambassadors of the Kingdom
Leader: Glenisaah Stauffer
Facilitator: Samone Jones
Panelists: Dr Theresa Phillips, Adam Dobres, Barbara Charles, Kim Haber, Nancy Slocum
Date/Time: Friday, August 21, 2015 at 4 pm EST (New York)
Duration: 82 minutes

Click to watch the video replay or download the audio replay (MP3) and listen to that.

Matthew 25:1 – “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.”

For months, I (Glenisaah Stauffer) have been waiting for the right time to launch a live weekly global prayer broadcast to impact the nations. The time has come.

People are sensing in their spirits that something major is about to happen in the world and “It is time to get ready.”

As a Royal Ambassador of Christ, my desire is to promote that which helps to bring sustainable change and transformation to lives and communities around the world.

I see Prayer Embassies with Destiny Crown Centers working together to empower, collaborate, and network with others of like heart and vision to bring about creative ideas and solutions for sustainable Kingdom change.

You are invited to watch this life-changing broadcast to catch the vision and experience the power and glory of God.

Blessings to draw near to God through prayer and understanding!

Glenisaah Stauffer
Overseer of the Apostolic Embassy Prayer Room

Glenisaah Stauffer bio