Title: How to Walk Daily In Divine Appointments
Speaker: Steve Shultz
Co-hosts: Dr. Joseph Peck and Gary Beaton
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 8 pm Eastern (New York)
Duration: 123 minutes

The live global broadcast with Steve was extraordinary with a tremendous impartation of faith to see and walk in the supernatural daily.

Click the play button below to watch the video replay


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Click here to download the audio (MP3) replay.

Click here to learn more about Steve Shultz’ 12-week trainingSoaring333: Contending with God for Your Breakthrough” starting July 9, 2015.

  • If you sign up for Soaring333 before 3 pm Eastern Time (New York time) on Monday June 22, you will receive a 2-for-1 special. That means you can invite your spouse or a friend for free or you can split the cost with a friend.
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Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”

Steve and Derene ShultzThis message is near and dear to my heart to help you experience the supernatural more often.

So exactly what is a divine appointment?

I define it this way: “A divine appointment is God inserting HIMSELF into your PHYSICAL WORLD using HIS SUPERNATURAL powers – OUTSIDE OF THE LAW OF PHYSICS“.

Dennis Rainey wrote, “A divine appointment is a meeting with another person that has been specifically and unmistakably ordered by God. Yet I sometimes wonder how many of these supernaturally scheduled meetings I’ve missed because I didn’t have my spiritual radar turned on.”

Psalm 37:23 states, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.”

After decades of walking with God, I can tell you that seeing God set up these “divine appointments” is a thrill beyond comparison.

Have you ever had a “divine appointment”? I have – lots of them. And I want to help you learn how to recognize and seize those opportunities like I have.

What if your eyes were opened so that every day you could recognize and experience divine appointments? Wouldn’t that be neat? That would revolutionize your life and your joy of walking with God.

I sure hope you can watch this. It’s me talking DIRECTLY TO YOU, from my heart and with the WORD OF GOD supporting this prophetic message.

If you’re like many other people I know, you’ve become very weary from all the struggles you’ve gone through. Like many others, you’ve likely suffered so many disappointments warring for your dreams and desires God has placed in your heart.

There’s HOPE for YOU! Heck, there’s hope for me!

I want to help you experience breakthrough, in your life, for your life and loved one, and SOON!

This message, given to me by the LORD, is intended to change your thinking — to change your life. Most of your transformation begins in your mind. And for most of you, God is about to BLOW YOUR MIND with what it truly means to walk DAILY in DIVINE APPOINTMENTS.

Steve ShultzBlessings to walk daily in divine appointments!


Steve Shultz
Founder of The Elijah List

Contending with God

Contending with God

Contending with God

Contending with God

Contending with God

Contending with God

Contending with God


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Wow! Discover how to recognize divine appointments to experience the supernatural more often – http://webinars777.com/divine-appointments/


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Wow! Discover how to recognize divine appointments to experience the supernatural more often – http://webinars777.com/divine-appointments/


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Subject: How to Walk Daily In Divine Appointments

Dear [first name],

I recently watched the replay a live global broadcast titled “How to Walk Daily In Divine Appointments” with Steve Shultz, founder of The Elijah List. It was extraordinary, so I want to share a link to the replay with you

How to Walk Daily In Divine Appointments

Transformation begins in your mind. And for most of you, God is about to BLOW YOUR MIND with what it really means to experience the supernatural more often.

After you watch the video replay, please share the link with others. Thank you.

Blessings to walk daily in divine appointments!
[your first name]