Title: The Grand Opening Of The Journaling Cafe
Category: Journaling
Date/Time: Thursday May 7, 2009, 3 pm EST (8 pm U.K., 9 pm Italy)
Hosts: Dr. Randy Peck, Dr. Jerry Graham
Guest Panelist: Maybe Debra Bosacki
Cost: FREE Webinar
What will your life look like when you learn to perceive, believe, and obey Jesus’ voice every day?
Finally! Finally! Finally! The Journaling Cafe is opening. Jesus has taught me how to hear His voice through two-way journaling and now He’s inviting YOU to learn too. But not only that, the LORD is inviting to be part of this world-wide journaling community.
Several times while journaling during my Quiet Time, Jesus told me “Coaching people to journal to hear My voice is your sweet spot!” Jesus also told me, “Leverage your time by coaching people in small groups (up to 15) and large groups (up to 1,000). One of the reasons for this is to make LIFE Coaching affordable to the masses. Another is the teach people how to share their God stories, products, and services with the world.” There is POWER in a testimony.
Zec 4:6 So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.
CLICK HERE to learn more and to reserve your seat for this Life-Changing webinar.