Title: The LORD Will Provide
Facilitator: Holy Spirit
Speaker: Stephen Burke
Panelists: Dr. Joseph Peck, Theresa Light, Dr. Mary Ellen Schoonover
Sponsor: Will Green, founder of WordWarriors777
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Start Time: 11 am EST, 10 am CST, 9 am MST, 8 am PST
Duration: 102 minutes
Cost: Free webinar
Purpose: To share God’s End Times vision for Cities of Refuge

Great news! Because this inaugural webinar for The LORD Will Provide is so important as a wake-up call for the Body of Christ, we are making the replay available to you for FREE indefinitely. This webinar is God’s Christmas gift to the world.

The LORD Will Provide

Audio Download
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Stephen definitely wants your feedback from what he shared! To contact him, please visit TheLordWillProvide.org

Our key word is OBEDIENCE

Our key message is When we’re on God’s mountain, He will provide!

Our key scripture is Isaiah 6:8 – “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!‘ “

The LORD Will ProvideStephen worked for 18 years in advertising and public relations before God called him out of his chosen profession in 2004 to begin a ministry named The LORD Will Provide. The initial call began as he came alongside those who were called of God in Guatemala, but as time progressed the LORD made it clear that Stephen’s ministry was not a typical missions and church planting ministry. The ministry that God started through Stephen was an End Times ministry.

In 2008, God unexpectedly gave Stephen a 2-hour download of information about what was coming for America and the world. Since then, Stephen’s work has been actively involved in connecting with and creating Cities of Refuge around the globe.

The LORD Will ProvideStephen is led by the Holy Spirit to many places and people who are answering this End Times call. Some Cities of Refuge are houses, some are farms, some are underground, some are communities, and some are entire countries . These Cities of Refuge are areas much like Goshen was for the Ancient Israelites as they were in captivity in Egypt during the time of the 10 plagues. While Egypt was suffering the consequences of these plagues, the Israelites were preserved and protected.

During the challenging times that are coming God will provide Cities of Refuge around the globe in which He will supernaturally protect and provide for His chosen ones.

Stephen and his wife Connie live in Temple, Texas and have four grown children.

    What Stephen covered during this webinar

  1. How did God call you to leave an 18-year career in advertising and public relations?
  2. What was your initial calling?
  3. Were there any clues that led you to believe that there was more to your calling than serving in Guatemala?
  4. The LORD Will ProvideHow did God reveal to you that you are called to an End Times ministry?
  5. What is a City of Refuge?
  6. Are there Cities of Refuge around the US and what do they look like? Are there any in other parts of the world?
  7. Did God give you any sense of timing for what is to come?
  8. Has America received any sort of warning from God?
    Our prayer for The LORD Will Provide ministry

  • Three people will sow a $144 seed
  • One person will sow a $14,400 seed
  • One person will sow a $1,440,000 seed

Blessings to be willing and available for God to send you!