Title: The Power of the Blood
Speaker: Gary Beaton
Host: Joseph Peck, M.D.
Date/Time: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 4 pm EST (New York)
Duration: 129 minutes
Cost: Free


CLICK HERE to download the MP3 audio replay.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Gary’s Soaring Into Your Destiny training.

Soaring eagleHere are 2 steps to prepare for God to move in power in your life:

1) Print The Power of the Blood outline before watching the webinar to be able to take plenty of notes and receive everything God has for you!

2) Watch Gary Beaton’s tribute to Bob Jones at Bob’s memorial service in March 2014 (14 minute video)

A world shaking event will take place between Sept 2014 and Sept 2015. Are you ready?

The power of the bloodIf the blood of Abel has power to speak out, even after Abel’s death, how much more power does the blood of Jesus have?

Many Christians know there is power in the blood of Jesus – power to redeem us, bring us into fellowship with God, make peace with God, cleanse us, and give power over the devil. But few understand how to unleash this power to manifest God’s glory.

During this live webinar, Gary Beaton will share many extraordinary insights and practical ways that every believer can begin to walk in to bring dramatic change to their lives and their walk in Christ. Gary will:

  • Share the advantage and power of taking Communion every day for a more intimate walk, which will also unlock new dimensions of dreams, visitations and profound daily experiences in the Spirit.
  • Impart the effectiveness of the Blood as a weapon in spiritual warfare to demolish strongholds in every dimension of life through personal stories and testimonies.
  • Teach on the power of “loosing the Blood” through prayer and the profound effect it has, including supernatural strength, enabling and protection.

Gary Beaton with Bob and Bonnie Jones

Gary Beaton (center) with Bob and Bonnie Jones

Gary Beaton is the founder of Transformation Glory Ministries. He is is widely known as a Seer Prophet, Apostle and Revivalist with a personal commissioning from his close friend Bob Jones. He has travelled the world on assignment for the Lord as a highly-trained intercessor and will share remarkable, life-changing insights on the Power of the Blood that many have never heard before.

Gary was Bob Jones’ close assistant and friend for the last 8 years of Bob’s life. Although Gary has walked with the Lord for 40 years, it was Bob and Bonnie Jones that mentored Gary specially in the Seer realm. Shortly before Bob Jones’ passing, he asked Gary if he would continue “running Bob’s race” and also “carry Bob’s torch” for the “Billion-Soul” Harvest. Gary promised Bob that he would and has been traveling continuously for the past 9 months sharing the mystery realms of God and lighting torches for Revival in many cities and countries around the world.


Please join us for this rare time of personal prophetic equipping and impartation. It has the potential of being one of the most powerful 90 minutes you could invest in your personal growth in Christ for the times we’re living in.

Blessings to step into all that God has for you!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor and The Quantum Coach
Empowering Dreams

Testimonies regarding The Power of the Blood webinar

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

First of all, Gary Beaton and I want to say thank you to all those who participated in the live webinar for The Power of the Blood webinar on December 3 as well as those who already watched or listened to the replay.

During the live broadcast, I sensed that was the most extraordinary webinar and message we have ever released in the past eight years via webinar. Clearly God’s favor was on the message with 1121 people pre-registering for that webinar, representing at least 41 nations, 49 of 50 states in the USA, 8 of 10 provinces in Canada, and at least 500 cities of the world.

Thank you to the many people who sent emails with gratitude, encouragement. and testimonies. And thank you to all the new people who have signed up for Gary’s 12-week Soaring Into Your Destiny training that starts on January 8, 2015.

If you have not watched or listened to the replay yet, we encourage you to do so soon. If you want to learn more about Gary’s Soaring Into Your Destiny program that starts on January 8, please see


Gary has two special offers that expire this week, so if you are considering his training, please seize the opportunity before it slips by.

Here are just a few of the many testimonies that people have shared regarding The Power of the Blood webinar.

I just finish listening to the replay and I don’t have just one word to describe it. It was indeed a blessing, a catapulting, an increase of knowledge, insight, and confirmation. I could go on and on. Oh my! I do want to share the presence of God came in my room when you blew the shofar. I’m ecstatic about this connection with you and Gary and look forward to soaring higher. God bless you :-) [T.P.]

My friend sent me a link I was able to use and have just listened to it. So wonderful and a blessing. [S.M.]

I was there. It was awesome. I called in using my phone. I’m very interested In the future course offerings. God is so good. [D.T.]

Thank you so much for sending me the link and replay of The Power of the Blood!! It is truly life changing. I was able to finish listening to it all the way through last night. The revelation of Communion has changed my life. I started doing that on a daily basis in the early 90’s. This new revelation on the power of loosing is extraordinary!! Thank you again for making this available to the body of Christ. I am so excited about the upcoming classes on Transformation Glory! What an opportunity! Abundant Blessings to you and your family and for your business! [J.V.]

It was a wonderful blessing watching/listening to the replay as I was unavailable for the live session. The question/answer period was also very enlightening. The tribute to Bob Jones was so precious and moving. What an awesome addition Bob must be to the Great Cloud of Witnesses. In the last several months, our small, weekly prayer group has been led to always try to have communion together, but you’ve opened up the importance through your teaching to do this on a one-to-God level. [C.B.]

I listened to the MP3 version of Garry Beeton’s talk and want to sincerely thank you for your obedience! This is indeed a watershed message to the body of Christ . spiritual warfare can never be the same again!!! I have a prayer burden for my country South Africa and now I feel I have the tools for a new kind of warfare which includes holy communion. Thank you once again dear friend! [A.D.]

Blessings to apply the power of the Blood to your life!


P.S. You are welcome to share this message and the link to the webinar replay with your friends.


Soaring Into Your Destiny 06

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)