Title: The Whole Soul – Rescripting Your Life For Personal Transformation
Speaker: Dr. Gayle Rogers
Cohost: Dr. Joseph Peck and Gary Beaton
Panelists: Dr. Bruce Cook, Philip Huff, Glenisaah Stauffer, Lynne Lee
Date/Time: Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 4 pm Eastern (New York)
Duration: 127 minutes
Cost: Free – You have our permission to share a link to this web page with your family and friends
Click here to download the audio (MP3) replay.This live broadcast was part of the 12-week Soaring222: Discipling the Nations series.
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The Whole Soul offers simple solutions to earth-shattering, overwhelming, every day life crises. Transformation has never been easy, yet we have the solution to every issue we encounter.
Imagine living a lifestyle where you literally have the power to walk over every circumstance, every obstacle, and every challenge – a lifestyle where you have authority to take captive every debilitating thought and toxic mindset – changing your life permanently.
When you change your thinking, you change your life!
Wendy Walters, a successful author coach, branding consultant, and entrepreneur says:
When you think differently, you believe differently. When you believe differently, you live differently. There is no secret formula, no magic pill, no classified information standing between you and a better, more productive more fulfilled life. You already possess everything you need–you just need to understand how to recognize it, activate it, and begin possessing your life in a totally new way. The Whole Soul by Dr. Gayle Rogers will show you how to do just that. When someone qualified and experienced successfully combines biblical truth with practical application, I take notice. Those people are a rare and wonderful find. Apply what you learn here and you will never be the same.
Blessings to rescript your life for personal transformation!