For Every Area Of Your Life
Let Us Teach You To Combine Journaling, Coaching,
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me,
the works that I do he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do,
because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)
How Do You LEVERAGE Your Time, Talent, Treasure, Ideas, Opportunities, Work, and Relationships To Fulfill Your God-Given Assignment?
“JIREH Marketing” series
Topic: Transformation Virginia
Date/Time: Tuesday Feb 3, 11 am EST
Hosts: Dr. Randy Peck and Dr. Jerry Graham
Guest Panelist: Jack Stagman
Cost: FREE Webinar
Description: In 2001 after a 40 day fast, Jack and Sylvia Stagman sold everything, including their home, and moved from South Africa to Virginia as missionaries to America in obedience to the Holy Spirit.
For more than 5 years, Jack has been president of the Loundoun Church Alliance. In August 2008, after Rick Heeren’s visit, God promoted Jack to be the leader of the Transformation Virginia initiative, first begun in Culpeper, Virginia in 2005. In the past few months, God has used Jack as a catalyst to launch marketplace transformation initiatives in more than 7 cities in Virginia.
Space is limited.
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During this webinar, Jack will address the following…
1) What is your background?
2) Why are missionaries like yourself coming to America?
3) You have been in the US for eight years now. What have you done during this time?
4) How did you get involved in the transformation process?
5) You have only been involved in the transformation for six months. What has happened in Loudoun County and are there other areas you are connected with?
6) How successful is the church at being an agent of change and influence in society?
7) How do you see yourself transitioning from a local ministerial association to a state-wide transformation movement and what is your role as a Transformation Coach?
8) Do you see that your mission has changed since you arrived in the US?
9) In what ways are you connecting with the marketplace?
10) You have just completed a 20 page white paper report how to help communities become an agent of change. Why did you write this and how can one obtain a copy?
Recommended action steps
1) Listen to audio recording of the webinar (58 minutes)
2) SUBSCRIBE to the Transformation Virginia blog and receive Jack’s FREE 20 page white paper about “Marketplace Transformation.”
3) Subscribe TODAY to JIREH Marketing Members to become part of TEAM DESTINY and have access to wealth of online Web 2.0 and journaling resources, including training videos, recorded webinars, free BONUS products, and much, much more.
Note: The Camtasia videos for the recorded webinars are only available for JIREH Marketing Members.
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The Holy Spirit is inviting YOU to become part of TEAM DESTINY. If you want more favor in your life, then join our team. Favor is always proportional to God’s assignment. That’s because the greater the assignment, the greater the adversity.
Journaling is the key to unlock your dreams!
Journaling is the key to unlock your DESTINY!

Is journaling biblical? Absolutely! Father God is the greatest Journaler of all times. The Bible is His journal – the most profound one of all times. And throughout time, the Holy Spirit has inspired millions of people to write to inspire others to greatness.
Blessings for divine provision and breakthroughs!
P.S. If you’re a small thinker and don’t want your faith to soar, this book is definitely not for you. But if you believe in a BIG God who has destined you for greatness, then you’ve come to the right place.