401k Growth

Title: Your 401k or IRA: The Missing Piece – Managing Your Largest Asset
Speaker: John Norquay
Facilitator: Dr. Joseph Peck
Panelists: Don Miller, Cherie Norquay, Larry Tyler
Date: Oct 6, 2011
Duration: 70 minutes

CLICK HERE to watch the video replay.

If you want to know more, please call John Norquay him at 1-608-620-3617.

To learn more about PivotPoint Advisors, please visit www.PivotPointFunds.com

Learning objectives

  • Understand typical mutual fund industry investment approaches
  • Understand modern portfolio theory
  • Discover what piece is missing with investment portfolios?
  • What makes PivotPoint Advisors’ investment approach different?

Employees are charged with managing what is often their largest investable asset, their 401k plan. We all know that managing investments is no easy task. In John Norquay’s opinion, most investment advisors don’t do it well, so how do we expect employees who have no training to do it?

As someone who is branding himself as the go-to person for 401k and IRA advice and management, John Norquay has some good advice for you.

What truly separates John and his company from all the other advisors is their investment approach. They know that God made everything as energy which travels in cycles. They track these cycles that occur within the market. The bottom line: John aims to limit down turns in client portfolios without limiting the upturns.

During this webinar, John will provide an overview of how 401k’s work as well as his proven investment strategy. The advice John will be sharing is practical for all types of investments, both in retirement accounts and non-retirement accounts.

When Albert Einstein was asked what his greatest discovery was, he said, “the power of compound interest” (i.e. the ability of money to grow quickly when invested wisely).

When you change your investments, you change your life!

Blessings to be a good steward with your assets!

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