Title: A Time and Place for Everything: 12 Biblical Precepts to Organize Your Home, Habits, and Heart
Speaker: Sue McMillin
Host: Dr. Joseph Peck
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Duration: 132 minutes
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For more information about Sue’s 12-week training — A Time and Place for Everything — please visit www.atimeandplace777.com
Do you know there are at least 12 key biblical precepts that will help you redeem the time and reclaim lost territory – physical, emotional and spiritual?
These 12 organizational precepts operated in the lives of the men and women in Scripture and were given for our instruction, to offer direction for our thoughts and behaviors. Most people are surprised to learn the Bible talks so much about the importance of being organized.
When we begin looking at our lives and homes through the lens of creating order, and when we begin honoring and living out these 12 precepts, the Lord releases fresh power and freedom to follow Him and to walk in the purposes He has for our lives.
Sue is the most organized person I have ever met in my life by far. She is a master at creating order out of chaos.
Sue’s presentation is divided into three parts with four precepts discussed in each part. Here is taste (sample) of what Sue will discuss.
Part I: Organizing Your Home
Precept 1: Prepare ourselves and our home for transformation (Genesis 39:1-6)
Joseph, the son of Jacob, learned that taking wise care of a household led to opening God’s plan for his destiny. Preparing our home organizationally will free us to operate fully in our gifting and calling. The result is a transformed home and family.
When you put a prince in a prison, he turns the prison into a palace! He was a slave, then a servant, then an attendant, a manager, an executive manager, a COO and then Prime Minister of Egypt. He knew how to set up systems and as we follow his example, we will also learn how to set up systems in our home for the big challenges that come into our lives.
Part II: Organizing Your Habits
Precept 5: Guard diligently our priorities (John 5:19, Matthew 6:33)
Jesus diligently guarded his number one priority: doing his Father’s will. He received many requests, but he only did what he saw the Father do. However, we struggle with understanding what God wants. We must not respond to every need and request but to our God-assigned priorities. It may surprise us that our priorities are not: God, then family, then church, then work! We will discover new paradigms of success when we hear what scripture says about priorities.
Part III: Organizing Your Heart
Precept 9: Be content in our design and calling (Hebrews 13:5)
The author of Hebrews says it succinctly – be content with what we have and with who we are. Contentment brings the heart into order, settles the soul and frees us from the power of “stuff.” After we are free from our stuff, we will operate more fully in our design and calling.
Contentment is wanting what we have, not having to have what we want. What is the real culprit to contentment? Coveting. And scripture has a lot to say about this subject. Once we discover the truth about coveting and how it affects our contentment, we will be forever free to share our wealth and bring hospitality into our home.
Blessings to understand these 12 precepts to organize your home, habits, and heart!
Am trying to sign up for the 12-week class offered by Sue McMillen today. Saw the webinar and need it on all 12 or 18 points!! Am not real computer literate, but did find this much for contacting you. Please help! The $300. package please for 12 weeks. Gratefully, Janelle H
Thank you Janelle for your interest and enthusiasm. The link to sign up is http://www.atimeandplace777.com. I see you signed up successfully for Sue’s 12-week training on June 3. That will revolutionize your life and the lives of everyone else who participates. Many blessings!
I have church commitment on Wednesday nights. Is it available any other times?
Thank you Paula for your interest. Because there is a lot of demand for our various online training courses and we are dealing with people all over the world in different time zones, we have to choose a day and time that seems to work the best for the speakers and general audience. Our current plans are to offer the live training for A Time and Place for Everything only on Wednesdays at 7 pm Eastern. We may not do another live training for this course for a while. By signing up now, you have access to the recordings now and at a discounted price. Blessings! Joseph
Joseph, if I order, will I have access to the webinars indefinitely? Will I be able to download them and save onto my computer? Thanks!
Thank you Jannine for your interest. Indefinitely is a long time, especially when we don’t know what the future may hold. Our current practice is to give members access to the private member site for at least 3 months after the course is over. Often we give access for longer. Yes, you can download the resources from the member site and save them on your computer. Blessings! Joseph
lLoved this replay and enjoyed hearing Sue…I am curently very much engaging with this process and it’s very present as an overcoming area..I love order but had a big dream and no real supports with this and to some extent..chose to box in because it was overwhelming at times..but that is counterproductive and means years are on hidden…but now want to burrow out and support or no support for the dream I’m trusting God for it and so the clarity needed has become really important ? Very much enjoyed Sues maturity and experience in first hand talking about all this..and yes like right now to hear more..just this intro however has helped..Thank you.