If God Can Use a Donkey, He Can Speak to Me

As a believer in Jesus, one of the most important foundations you can build is how to hear God’s voice and apply it to your life today. In this session you will learn: a) 20 multi-faceted ways that God has spoken in scripture, b) Why not all divine revelation is included in scripture, c) How prophetic revelation in scripture points to the person of Jesus Christ, d) The 2 realms of revelation that are still received today, e) The correlation between logos and rhema revelation, and f) How to activate your faith to hear God personally in new ways,

The Dreamfire Experience

When you kick your feet out of bed in the morning, and think about going to work today, what are you really looking forward to. After 31 years of being at the same profession, Dr. Joseph Umidi has learned keys to reinventing your approach to work. Come discover: a) 3 Keys to recovering your passion in your work, b) 3 Keys to discovering the work that matches your passion, and c) 3 Keys to helping those you care about to care about their work and passion.

Breaking Free from Disappointments that Bind You to Your Past

Too often, disappointments are like a nagging fly. They aren’t on top of your mind, but they persist to drain you of your Finances, Energy, Health, Prophetic Destiny, Opportunities, Relationships and God’s Future for You … anything that keeps you from God’s abundant life! Discover a process to let go of disappointments of the past to catapult into your future NOW.

Finding Joy Summary

During the month of May 2016 I hosted a 4-week coaching program titled “Finding Joy and Getting Control of Your Life”. That had a profound impact on me as well as those who participated. All of a sudden, I had more free time, less stress, greater creativity, and bigger doors of opportunity in my business. On June 8, I hosted three live webcasts (webinars) summarizing the most important lessons shared during the “Finding Joy” course.

Water is Life

All change is born of an idea! During this webcast, we’ll take a look at taking those ideas and turning them into something extraordinary. We can take the realization of a moment and turn it into a revolution. What is your “aha moment”?

Empowering Dreams
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come