by Dr. Joseph Peck | Dec 3, 2009 | Breakthroughs, Favor, Favorites, Teleseminars, Transformation, Webinars
When preparing your presentation, make sure you have specific answers to these seven critical teleseminar interview questions. 1. WHY is (Your Topic) so important for our listeners to achieve greater success? 2. WHAT is (Your Topic) by definition? 3. HOW do...
by Dr. Joseph Peck | Dec 2, 2009 | Breakthroughs, Favor, Favorites, Leadership, Leverage, Teams
Source: 6 Advantages of Teams A team is a group of people doing something together to produce a specific result or outcome. None of us, no matter how good we are can be great at everything. So what are 6 key advantages of teams? Advantage 1: Increases productivity...
by Dr. Joseph Peck | Sep 15, 2009 | America, Breakthroughs, Experiencing God, Favor, Favorites, JIREH Marketing, Leverage, Potential, Transformation, Virginia, Webinars, World
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. Title: If You Dare To Care Then Share Description: Q&A Session (FREE Webinar) For 8-Week Web 2.0 Course Course title: Establish A...
by Dr. Joseph Peck | Jun 16, 2009 | Experiencing God, Favorites, JOURNALING, Webinars
Experiencing God Through Journaling Learn to recognize the voice of your heavenly Father and come to know Him as your dearest friend. He wants to give you Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation For Every Area Of Your Life. Title: Experiencing God In Your Daily Life...
by Dr. Joseph Peck | May 19, 2009 | Experiencing God, Favorites, Webinars
Experiencing God Through Journaling Learn to recognize the voice of your heavenly Father and come to know Him as your dearest friend. He wants to give you Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation For Every Area Of Your Life. Title: Experiencing God Through Obedience...